
The core beliefs of Rainbow Forge Primary Academy are that:

  • All behaviour is a form of communication.
  • Behaviour can change and that every child can be successful.
  • Behaviour must be taught.

Here is a short video about our behaviour policy.

The Rainbow Rules are actively taught to all the children from Pre Nursery to Year 6

  • We are good learners
  • We are honest
  • We are kind and gentle
  • We listen
  • We keep each other safe
  • We look after property
  • We are polite and well mannered


Rewards may involve:

  • Verbal praise, positive comments, smiling at children and ‘catching them being good’
  • Verbal praise to parents about their children
  • Receiving Dojo points


If the class/academy rules are broken the following sanctions may be taken to help the children to understand the consequences of their choices and to help them to make better choices in the future:

  • Children will be given a non verbal warning by the classteacher
  • Children will be given a verbal warning by the classteacher
  • Missing part or whole of a breaktime to fix their mistake – this may include a restorative conversation, an opportunity to finish work missed or time to write a letter of a apology.
  • More serious behaviour may involve meeting with parents.

Self Regulation

  • We teach the children to regulate their emotions using the Zones of Regulation.x