Our science curriculum is designed with the intent that each child at Rainbow Forge Primary Academy will become competent scientific thinkers and investigators who will develop an array of scientific skills through scientific enquiry. Scientific enquiry describes the processes and skills pupils should be taught and use, to find out more about the world and how it works, developing their knowledge and understanding across all concepts within science. We aim to provide children with a high quality science education that offers the foundations for understanding the world through the three disciplines of science to promote their knowledge, enquiry and working scientifically based skills.
We teach children the skills to be able to make links to prior learning and to develop depth in key skills through stimulating and challenging learning. Lessons are planned to incorporate a scientific enquiry type so children learn through investigation and exploration. Children use and develop their skills as they progress through school so they gain knowledge and skills in working scientifically.
At Rainbow Forge, we aim for all children to view themselves as scientists, so they are:
· confident, creative and curious in exploring and investigating a range of questions;
· articulate with their findings in a range of ways – orally, diagrammatic, written;
· able to apply their conceptual knowledge to new situations, reasoning and articulating and justifying their opinions;
· reflective in their practise, identifying successes and failures and using these to improve their skills and understanding;
· resilient, adaptable and willing to take risks in their learning;
· work both independently and collaboratively to explore and investigate.
Science Lesson Structure
Each Science Lesson in KS1 and 2 will follow this structure:
1. 1. Read the learning question for the lesson and discuss the enquiry type being used.
2. Revisit knowledge from that concept or a working scientifically skill if required. This is to recap previous learning, address any misconceptions and to revisit/ reinforce vocabulary.
3. Read, teach, practise and apply. As detailed in the medium term planning.
4. Practise based tasks may be completed in books or not be recorded as detailed in the medium term planning or decided by the classteacher.
5. Apply tasks must be evidenced in children’s books.
6. Reflection – to allow children to reflect on new learning and how it fits with their previous knowledge. Teachers use this as an opportunity for assessment for learning to address any misconceptions and to signpost next steps.
7. Marking/ Feedback – any misconceptions need to be addressed and books annotated. Follow up may be through the following:
· Correcting an answer independently or with 1:1 discussion;
· Small group intervention;
· Verbal feedback and discussion;
· One of the above and revisit for clarification at beginning of next lesson.
Working Scientifically Progression Map
Children’s Concept Maps
Knowledge Organisers
Medium Term Planning 2023 – 24 is Cycle B