Mental Health Champions

‘There is a growing awareness that earlier preventative support that focuses on building resilience and promoting wellbeing is necessary to meet children and young people’s mental health needs.

Many children and young people find it easier to talk to their peers first, before they talk to others such as family members or professionals. As a result, there has been an increased drive to develop peer-based initiatives, particularly programmes that focus on accessing help and mental health support earlier’


Our aim is to create a mentally healthy school by empowering our children to champion emotional wellbeing and positive mental health. Every class, from Y1-Y6 will have one or two children to carry out the role of ‘Mental Health Champion’. The Mental Health Champions:

  • Know what a peer mentor is and how they can support other children
  • Understand that building a relationship is central to peer support
  • Begin to practice active listening.
  • Understand things from the viewpoint of your mentee
  • Learn skills which will help you support your mentee to make a positive change in their life.
  • Understand that as a mentor you should not tell your mentee what to do
  • Understand when to keep something private and when to inform an adult
  • Know how and when to report concerns

Mental Health Champions also lead their classes in their daily mindfulness breaks and demonstrate breathing techniques such as ‘Five Finger Breathing’.

The group also lead assemblies for the whole school focusing on special days such as Random Acts of Kindness and World Yoga Day.
