Our Curriculum for children in Y1 – 6 is planned on a two year rolling programme named Cycle A and Cycle B to ensure the children cover all aspects of the national curriculum.
Our curriculum includes local history, geography and famous, or influential people. We have ensured that opportunities to learn about diversity and culture are embedded throughout all subject areas.
Our curriculum aims to:
- Deliver a broad and balanced education for all pupils.
- Foster the academy values of articulation, resilience, team work, tolerance, confidence, creativity, determination and risk taking.
- Enable pupils to develop knowledge, understand concepts and acquire skills, and be able to apply these in different contexts.
- Promote a positive attitude towards learning which extends beyond their experience and community.
- Ensure equal access to learning, with high expectations for every pupil and appropriate levels of challenge and support.
- Nurture pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
- Support pupils’ physical development and build responsibility for their own health and wellbeing; encourage them to be active.
- Raise aspiration for children so that they are ambitious and positive about their future.
- Allow pupils to understand and celebrate their own and other communities.
- Offer a range of cultural enrichment and experiences broaden their experiences and knowledge.
- Provide children with an opportunity to learn about current affairs.
- Encourage pupils to develop a wide vocabulary and good communication skills that enable them to interact effectively with a range of audiences.
- Uphold the fundamental British Values.
Our teaching and learning policy explains how we sequence teaching over a period of time and during a lesson to ensure children learn more and remember more.
Teaching & Learning Policy
Cultural Diversity within the Curriculum
Local Context within the Curriculum
SMSC within the Curriculum
Public Sector Equality Duty in the Curriculum