
We believe that homework should be set: 

  • to involve parents in their children’s learning; 
  • to help parents keep abreast of what their child can and cannot do; 
  • to take advantage of the home context to apply learning; 
  • to encourage children to talk about their work to their parents and explain what they are doing and how; 
  • to extend the time for learning, thus enabling children to practise and consolidate their skills and knowledge and strategies; 
  • to prepare children for secondary school experiences of homework; 
  • to view learning as a life long process and not just restricted to school hours. 

The school’s agreed practice for homework is that: 

  • homework is set on a regular basis, for all years, in line with our homework policy; 
  • homework will generally follow on from work which has taken place in class but may take many different forms, including reading, learning multiplication facts and spellings. It should not entail new ideas that require explanation from a teacher; 
  • children should understand exactly what they are expected to do, how to do it, and how long it should take; 
  • homework should sometimes involve the participation of the parents 

This policy aims to: 

  • guide and support teachers to ensure effective home learning is planned for 
  • create an ethos of high expectations for all pupils 
  • promote consistency in the quality of home learning 
  • ensure that all pupils make good or better progress 
  • cultivate a learning environment that inspires and motivates 
  • develop confident, resourceful, enquiring and independent learners 
  • enable all children to complete this learning so that all our pupils have the same experiences and chances  

Home learning will be set on Friday and children will be expected to return it the following Friday. 


Children are expected to share a book with an adult at home on a daily basis, this may include reading a magazine, comic, a school reading book or a home book. 

Children may be asked to practise Nursery Rhymes or songs at home. 


Maths: regular maths activities will be sent home  

Borromi Activities linked to all areas of learning will be set on a regular basis. 

Reading: Children are expected to read their decodable phonics book every day  

Phonics: Children may asked to learn to read or spell tricky words 

Year 1 & 2

Maths: Weekly homework tasks will be set on Numbots

Reading: Children are expected to read at home every day. This may be their decodable phonics book, Reading Eggs. In Y2 some children may be reading an Accelerated Reader book, or read on Reading Plus.

Phonics: Children will be asked to learn to read or spell tricky words

Children will be set weekly tasks in their Maths, Reading or Grammar homework books. 

Year 3, 4, 5 & 6

Reading: Children are expected to read at home every day. This may be an accelerated reader book or a book of their choice. They may also choose to read on Reading Plus.

Children will be set weekly tasks in their Maths, Reading or Grammar homework books.  

In Y3 – 6 children have a home learning diary to fill in their homework and record reading at home.

Times Tables – all children have a log in to Timetables Rockstars and are encouraged to log in 5x a week for a short time to practise. At points in the year ‘Battles’ against other classes or year groups will be used as a n incentive.

Phonics: Children who are receiving phonics intervention will be asked to learn to read or spell tricky words

Staff will keep clear records of whether homework has been completed or not. 


Phase Leaders will regular monitor class records and complete analysis of which children are completing home learning and which children are not. This will be used to ensure all groups of children are completing homework.

Incomplete Homework

Children will be given the opportunity to complete homework during the school day if it is not completed at home and no solution can be found with the parent. It is vital that all children have the same chances and experiences of learning so that gaps are closed.