Pupil Premium

Watch this short video to find out more about Pupil Premium.

Research shows that children entitled to Pupil Premium often face challenges such as poor language and communication skills, lack of confidence and issues with attendance and punctuality

The pupil premium is intended to directly benefit the children who are eligible, helping to narrow the gap between them and their classmates

For some of our children who are entitled to Pupil Premium, this can be made more difficult due to their own individual circumstances and experiences. These children may also have additional learning needs, experienced trauma, have poor mental wellbeing or be a Young Carer.

At Rainbow, we strive to ensure all children flourish, realise their strengths and talents and achieve their very best academically.

This funding allows us to:

  • work closely with families as soon as they join our school to ensure they are fully supported
  • ensure all children have good attendance and provide support and challenge where it is not yet good
  • increase children’s cultural capital through specialist music and art teaching, after school enrichment clubs and educational visits
  • ensure all children achieve their very best and gaps in learning are closed through quality first teaching, a rigorous monitoring system and a carefully planned intervention programme
  • promote well being through yoga session, teaching mindfulness and providing small group and one to one intervention and counselling
  • teach our children how to recognise and regulate their emotions
  • have a trauma informed approach to all of our work with children and their families
  • provide children with opportunities to develop civic responsibility, for example, by having jobs and positions of responsibility in school

As a result of this provision, Pupil Premium children across the school, achieve well when we track their attainment against National Pupil Premium children, in all subjects.

Please click the links below to read our previous or current strategies