
Who has a duty to safeguard children?


We have a robust system for recording incidents called My Concerns.  It enables any issues raised to be recorded, at any time, by any member of staff.  It provides the Governors with comprehensive reports, enabling challenge, which ensures staff are held to account.

We have a rigorous recruitment process that gathers evidence about staff suitability to work with children. All references are checked, and all staff, students, governors and volunteers must undergo an enhanced police check. All staff and volunteers also undertake regular Safeguarding training.

We have designated Safeguarding team in place as follows:

Roberta Reilly – DSL

[email protected]

Jamie Gawler – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

[email protected]

Joanne Provines –  Safeguarding and Attendance Office

[email protected]

Andrew Blench – Safeguarding Governor

[email protected]

ANYONE can call the Safeguarding hub at anytime on 0114 2734855.

You can find our Safeguarding Policy in our Policies section.

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