
The Arts enrich the quality of our experiences, providing rewarding activities that inspire, inform, stimulate, challenge and entertain.

  • At Rainbow Forge Academy, we envision that by the time our children leave our school, children will be equipped with a vast array of Art and Design Technology skills which will enable them to become creative artists or designers. They will be able to enjoy and critique Art and Design of others both local and worldwide, learning about varied styles from particular art movements and cultures and the artists which belong to them. We believe children should have an understanding and appreciation of art from diverse artists worldwide. We intend on delivering a curriculum which:
  • Involvement in the arts helps to foster a positive attitude among our students by developing a wide range of qualities such as cooperation, enthusiasm, passion, inspiration, and ambition.
  • Enables children to study and respond to the manmade and natural world through a variety of experiences using a wide range of media.
  • Provides opportunity for personal expression.
  • Provides the opportunity for children to develop visual and tactile awareness and teaches them how to look, and explore with their eyes.
  • Encourages children to express their thoughts and actions verbally and visually within the school environment or gallery exhibition.
  • Develops a knowledge of materials, equipment and skills through experimentation and teaching.
  • Enables children to invent, and create their own pieces of work in 2 and 3 dimensions.
  • Challenges children to create work that is inspired by the work of and uses techniques learned from real artists and craftsmen/women.
  • Develops and compliments children’s cultural awareness of different times and places.
  • Art is used at our school as a therapeutic tool to help children learn, achieve and thrive creatively.
  •  Helps children to develop a respect for the abilities of other children, encourages them to collaborate and cooperate across a range of activities and experiences.
  • Engages all children and entitles them to the same high- quality level of teaching and learning opportunities.
  • Provides equal opportunities for children to apply their skills.

Children are engaged in a range of imaginative and enjoyable activities, and their responses involve the various senses. The children are given the opportunity to work individually and collaboratively with others.

-Through Years 1 to 6 children are taught to analyse work of artists and peers through questioning (Form, context, content, process and mood).

-Through Year 1 to 6 children are taught to use a variety of media and to use drawing, painting, printing and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination.

-Sketchbooks are used for children to record their observations, ideas and practice skills taught. They provide the opportunity for children to review and revisit their ideas.

-Art lessons help children build up and practice art and design skills and techniques using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.

– Each term children build up a series of skills and techniques which help them create an Endpoint. A photograph of the finished piece is placed in children’s sketchbooks.

-The children are introduced to the work of a range of artists, craft-makers and designers. Units of work give the children the opportunity to describe similarities and differences between different practices and disciplines and to make connections between them.

-Activities provide opportunities for children to compare ideas, methods and approaches in their own work and that of other children, and to say what they think or feel about them.

-Children are taught about hazards, risks and controls which may be encountered when using tools, equipment and materials. Assessment of risk is made before and during lessons by the adult(s) taking a lesson and children are encouraged to manage their environment to ensure health and safety to themselves and others.

– Art is taught discretely by an art specialist.

–  Each termly unit is assessed regularly by pupils and Art specialist teacher using Success Criteria, Learning Journeys plus DC Pro against NSEAD statements. This data helps us to know how confident individuals feel about Art.